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Eric drops Anne at her dorm in the evening. They spent the night(basically it's the morning after 3 am but it's okay) cuddling with each other. 

Anne was happy finally her insecurities were gone now. She was smiling and as she entered her room, she didn't find Ava there. 

She must be with Nathan. She thought and started gathering her dirty clothes for laundry.

After an hour she called Ava to ask where she is now? 

"I am on my way. I have to tell you something."

She came after half an hour and hugged Anne tightly. 

"What happened?" Anne asked, she had to feel the tension in the air. 

"I missed my periods."


"We did use condoms as far as I remember but I don't know how this happened."

"They were on time last month."

"Yes I remember"

"Did you take the medicine?"

"Of course, yes and they were on time after those medicines."

"Just wait here I'll go and buy a pregnancy strip. "Anne said. 

Ava nodded.

Anne took her handbag and was ready to go, suddenly Ava said, "Should I talk to Nathan?"

"I think you should talk to him."

"Anne I'm scared, if he behaves like an as***** then.... "

"I promise I will kick his a** for you." 

Ava smiled. 

"I'll be back," she said and went out. 

Ava with trembling hands calls Nathan. 

"Hello, my lady," Nathan said as he picked up the call. 

"Nathan, I had to tell you something."

"I am listening."

"I missed my periods." Don't freak out please, she said in her mind. 

"But how? We did use condoms."

"I know but I don't know how?"

"Don't panic, okay, I'm coming and we will visit the doctor."

"I am scared."

"Don't be. I'm with you and whatever happens, I'll take the responsibility, I love you, Ava, just wait for a little, I'm coming. Don't worry everything will be fine." He was trying his best to calm her down and this work. 

Ava was still scared but was happy that Nathan is not running like Oliver, he is not blaming her, he is not calling her slut, he is not accusing her of cheating on him.

Anne came back after 20 minutes, she had to go to the pharmacy which was far from here. 

They took the test and it was negative. Both sighed in relief.

Suddenly Ava's phone rang. Nathan was calling her and he asked her to come down. 

Soon she comes up again with a bag. 

He brought pregnancy strips of five different brands.

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