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They both looked at each other and smiled. 

All the results were negative. She hugged Anne and went back to Nathan.

She hugged Nathan very tightly and said, "I'll never let you go. Mark my words Mr. Nathan Green, you're mine now and this is forever. I'll be going to marry you and I will have kids with you in the future. From now onwards you are prohibited to look at any other girl, your eyes should always be on me, your heart always says only one name and that is Ava. Am I clear?" She said as she broke the hug. 

He was shocked to see this dominating side of Ava. His jaw dropped, he was staring at her, he was surprised and then she asked again, "Am I clear Mr. Nathan?"

He nodded.

"Words, I want words."

He blinked his eyes twice, not understanding what was happening? Is she pregnant, are these mood swings? He thought and came back to his senses when he felt Ava's hand on her cheeks. "I understand", he said. 

"Good and I'm not pregnant, every strip was negative," She said. 

He sighed in relief and hugged her. 

"I am serious about what you have said and from now there is no turning back. You have given me your words that you will marry me, don't back off now and you should also look at me and only me from now on. Am I clear to you future Mrs. Ava Nathan Green?"

She smiled and they kissed each other, not caring about other people who were looking at them. 

That evening they visit the same gynecologist and she again tells them that Ava has PCOS.

"Is it something serious?" Nathan asked. 

"It is not serious as of now but it can have a very negative impact on your health. Let me tell you clearly, it is more of a lifestyle disorder and you can get your periods after medicine but if you want to cure it completely then I would suggest you adopt a healthy lifestyle. Eat lots of vegetables, avoid fats, sleep on time, do physical work which can be exercise, cycling, yoga, or whatever you prefer, stay away from stress. If you follow a good routine then this can be cured easily but if you don't then you have to take medication for a long time and now the choice is yours."

After this Doctor recommended some medicine and asked her to visit after 21 days. 

"You have done enough parties and from now onwards no late-night parties."

"But... "

"No, but, I will also not go to any parties, let's get healthy together."

Ava was smiling at his words. They buy the medicines and Nathan drops Ava back to her dorm. 

She told everything to Anne and Anne too decided that they will sleep on time and do exercise from tomorrow.

Next day

Ava's phone rang. She picked up the phone. It was Nathan. 

"Come down, let's go for a jog."

"Nathan, it's 6 am."

"Are you coming down or I should come up?"

"I am coming." 

"I had to sacrifice my precious sleep because of you."

"Remember what the doctor said? Let's do a lot of exercises and get well soon."

Ava was feeling frustrated but she said, "Okay".

"I want the mother of my future children to be healthy." He said while kissing her forehead.

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