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I hugged Eric before entering the airport. He kissed my forehead for the last time.

This is the worst part, that's why long-distance s****, I hate saying goodbye.

I am finally back, I look like a clown, because I didn't get enough sleep, I want to lay down but I have to rush. I take a quick shower and I decided to curl my hair. Ava helped me with make-up and taaddaaa I was ready to rock.

Ava tagged with me, and we reached the art gallery. I was in awe after seeing myself, I was almost unrecognizable in those paintings.

James did a good job. He also introduced me to many people there and I also got an offer for modeling. I wanted to say "yes" but I had made up my mind to be a sculptor plus I was so tired of being James' model and I realized that I am not meant to be a model.

We were surprised because all the paintings were sold in 45 minutes. James told me it happens for the first time that his entire gallery sold out that too pretty fast.

We had a party in the evening and it was fun. James proposed to his girlfriend to marry him and she said "Yes". It was romantic.

We came back to the dorm at 11 PM.

I will again follow my old routine from tomorrow onward. At 6 AM, I'll go to Bob (for my workshop) and from 1 PM, my shift will begin in the restaurant again (Boss told me to join soon because she missed me).

Next day~

It happens for the first time that Bob is late. I am standing outside as the gallery was closed and I decided to wait for him, it is dark outside which is creeping me out.

Half an hour passed and I decided to call him. He didn't pick up my phone, so I called him again. This time he picked my phone, he was sleeping.

"Hello", he said in his sleepy voice.

"Hello Bob, when are you coming?" I asked.

"Let's take a break today, I came late and I am exhausted and sleepy now. You should go back," he said while yawning.

"Okay", this is all I could say.

This is annoying. If he was late yesterday, he should have called me and I could have slept a little more. But what can I do now?

I decided to go back to my dorm and since I had nothing to do, I decided to call my parents. We talked about yesterday's exhibition and I told them that all the paintings were sold in 45 minutes. They were smiling, ear to ear and that's when my mother spilled the tea, he told me that my father bought two of those paintings.

He is very unpredictable but I like him, after all, he is my father. They are the best parents in this world.

After a long talk with my parents, I decided to wake Ava but she pulled me in bed and I ended up sleeping with her.

Someone's POV~

He gets up from his bed and wears his pants. He looked at the other side of the bed where a girl was sleeping naked. He smirked and moved to the bathroom and after taking a bath, he wore his bathrobe. He came to his study and removed the cloth from a painting.

It was Anne's painting, he touched her face and closed his eyes. He smiled creepingly and said," You are the next. Doll, wait for a little."

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