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"No Bob, you are wrong here. I'll forget everything, I'll be happy. I have my family with me. They will make me forget everything about you but what about you? You look pathetic. Let's see how long you could maintain that smirk," she said while making eye contact. 

Cops take him with them. She took a deep breath. It's not like she wasn't afraid, she was afraid of him, she was afraid of his threat, she was afraid that she might never forget what he did to her, she was afraid that memories of that night will always haunt her. But she decided to not show him. She knew she was vulnerable, she was aware that she might never live like her old self, but she wanted to try, she wanted to prove him wrong. 

Anne saw him getting away from her eyes, two hands were caressing her shoulder. She looked at the face to which they belonged, it was Eric. He smiled and said," You are very strong and I am proud of you." 

She hugged him tightly wishing that all what Bob said would never come true. "I don't want to live in fear," she thought while wiping her tears. 

One week later

"Are you sure you want to go there?"

"Yes", Anne said.

"I'll miss you," Ava said, hugging her.

She decided to move to Shanghai along with her parents. The decision was not easy to take but she needed them, she needed to get out of the living hell in which she was trapped.

She said with confidence, " I'll forget everything Bob". It wasn't easy to say but implementing it is even more difficult.

Every night she woke up with this horror dream which was once a reality." I'll not cry anymore," she promised this a thousand times but broke this promise every time. 

"How easy it was for him to rape me. All my bruises disappeared now, my body doesn't feel any pain from that incident anymore but it hurts." She said crying.

"I'll get better, it may take some time but I'll be better," she said to myself and wiped my tears.

She went to her room and saw Eric packing her things. She smiled and sat on the bed.

"Check if you need something more," he said while keeping her clothes in a bag.

She shook my head and patted the side of the bed. He came and settled himself near her. She hugged him and he asked while patting her head, "Are you sure that you would be okay?"

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