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It was 6 AM, and Anne was standing in front of Bob.

He was telling her the basics and was quite surprised when she told him that yesterday was the first time she touched clay, she had never done it before.

"I believe you are born to be a sculptor," Bob said.

Anne chuckled.

Time flew quickly and soon it was 10 AM and James arrived.

Anne changed quickly and was doing her work with James.

They finished late today, before going back Anne wanted to thank Bob so she moved toward his cabin.

"I want to thank you for today."

"Come on Anne, don't be so formal. You will come tomorrow, right?" Bob asked.

Anne nodded.

He came closer to her and said, "don't be late."

She nodded and left.

"He is weird, is it just me who thinks like this or is he really weird?
Anne, you are thinking too much.
The way he looks at me, I feel uncomfortable. What if he is some kind of pervert?
I know I am overthinking again but I feel awkward sometimes.
Okay, Anne stop those nasty thoughts of yours, he is a vampire means he is extremely handsome and you are sure that girls drool over him.
I have this feeling that he doesn't like me means that he doesn't have any romantic feelings for me, his eyes say so.
But his touch is uncomfortable.
Anne leaves it, you are just overthinking again."

She reached the dorm. Ava and Nathan are on a video call.

"Okay baby, I am sorry, you were right," Nathan said with pleading eyes.

"You should have said that before," Ava said with a giggle.

They fight at least three times a day and at last, Nathan has to say sorry. Nathan is madly in love with Ava, his every action shows this. Whenever he talks with her, his eyes have a different shine. His gaze is full of love. Ava always picks up fights but Nathan knows how to handle her. Yesterday night, he was saying I love you Ava and he told her that almost fifty times.

This long-distance is working well for both Anne and Ava.

"Eric is sweet as well, I had never in my life imagined that we could be together and that too in a long-distance relationship. All the people who told us that long-distance doesn't work are wrong here. It does, it does if you want.
We are about to complete one year in nine days. I am super excited, I know Eric is planning something, he never fails to surprise me." Anne thought.

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