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Happy reading ❤️

"I don't want him to see me crying, he was too rough today. I just want to know about his future plans. Did I go overboard? I think I don't but I should not have pushed him." She thought.

"Anne, you have forced him too much. You were mean today" one part of her said,"but he was angry, no he was super angry. I had never seen him like this before. He is not the Eric I know. I know I have pushed him too much but he too was getting on my nerves. What happen if he's the son of Friedrich Davis? What if he is super-rich? That money belongs to his father," the other part countered her. "But practically it is his also. He is an only child. Anne planning a future and selecting a university may be important for a middle-class person like you but it is not important for him. He has a sports car at the age of 18 and what do you have? It is okay if he doesn't think about anything, just stop exaggerating things."

"But I never wanted to be the girlfriend of some Richie rich brat. Yes, he is a brat, the only thing he can do is romance and get angry, he is an angry bird, right he is an angry bird. Instead of Eric Davis, his name should be Mighty Eagle.

I had never proposed to him, he was the one who came to me. I thought he was a normal person, why does he have to be Davis? He scared me today, my arm hurt, it for sure left a mark." She thought while checking her arm. 

She was about to reach her dorm, she stopped suddenly and started jumping on-road and started screaming not caring about the people staring at her, "You angry bird, Eric Davis I'll beat you if you behave rudely with me ever again, I love you that's why I didn't say anything. You will be the prince of your house and maybe no one has ever scolded you, but I'm your girlfriend I will scold you and if needed I'll beat the shit out of you. My arm is so numb, I think it is broken. " She said while touching it. She wiped her tears and said, "I'll not talk to you till you ask for forgiveness twenty times." 

I am sorry I didn't update it yesterday because I was busy with my roommate (Permanent roommate)/ best friend and we chit chat and I slept at 3 AM. We meet after a long time and you can understand that no matter how hard you try you'll end up doing nothing but gossips with your BFF.

Byeeeeeeeee my treasure with a promise of updating tomorrow. ❤️

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