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"Do whatever it takes. I want that damm video…….

What do you mean?

Money can buy everything. Lure him.

Then….. Kidnap his family if needed.

Yes, I am aware of what I am saying.

I want it at any cost.

Yeah….. Whatever…

I will see you in the evening."

"Fu** I am screwed", he thought when Ava saw him.

"Listen Ava it is not what you think," he said.

"I will trust you, Eric, I know you will not do anything stupid. Right?"

The concern in her eyes told him that she thinks the contrary. "I am sorry Ava but you are not wrong. I am doing something stupid, I know I might regret it in the future but seeing my love helpless in front of my eyes is making me lose my mind." He thought.

"Yes Ava of course," he said with a smile.

She smiled back at him.

"Ava please keep it a secret, I don't want Anne to stress out herself. I hope you understand what I mean."

She nodded and headed inside the house.

He followed her and came inside the house. Anne was smiling, this sight always flatters his heart. She smiles rarely after that incident. She looked at him and gestured to him to come and sit beside her. He followed her signal. 

He had dinner with Anne and her family.

"I think I should take my leave now," he said to Anne's father.

"Why?" Anne suddenly asked.

"I have some work to finish", he said, avoiding eye contact with her.

" Can't you stay," she asked in her sweet voice. 

He can't tell how much he wanted to stop but he had to go." This girl is unaware of what even her slightest motion does to me." He thought and said,"I promise I will come back in the morning," he said with an assuring smile.

"No need", it was her father who said this. Maybe he still doesn't like Eric that much. He continued and said," Eric you need to attend your college as well, study hard, and don't skip your college. I know you care for her but to love our loved ones, we first need to secure our and their future. I hope you get what I want to say."

He nodded and promised himself to ensure a secure future for her Princess. 

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