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Next day

Eric was sitting with his friend Nathan, they were chatting when he got a phone call. 

"Eric, I have to tell you something".

" Yeah, what's that?" Eric asked.

"Let's meet at the regular cafe." She hung up the call.

In cafe -

"She is looking very beautiful. Red suits her the most. Her no-makeup look is the best. But was she crying? Her eyes and nose are all red." Eric thought as he saw her.

She hugged Eric as she saw him. 

"What happened?" Eric asked anxiously even though he knew what had happened. 

"I just missed you. It's been a week since I saw you. " 

He knew she was lying but decided to ignore it because no matter how hard he try she will not tell him. So he decided to give her some time. 

Two lattes with a club sandwich. He ordered as usual.

She was quiet, normally she is a chatterbox when she is with him. "This is very unusual," he thought. He tried to talk but she was rarely responding.

" Mia, you wanted to tell me something?"

"It wasn't important. I just missed you?"

He held her hand giving her a signal of 'let's go outside'. She was looking confused. He paid the bill and was pulling her with him.

They came to his condo. He tried to kiss her but she turned her face to another side. 

"What happened Mia just tell me? " Eric asked.


"See if you don't tell me how I am supposed to know then?"

Her eyes were filled up to the brim. 

"Do you love Liam?" He finally asked. 

"How did you..... "

"Just answer me, Mia. We can't avoid this question forever. I know you slept with him. "

She was looking at him with her eyes having a look of how do you know?

"For God's sake just tell me the truth," He asked while raising his voice. 

"No, I don't love him. It was just a mistake."

"It was a one-night stand? "

"Yes," she said while looking at the floor.

"Then why did you kiss him again yesterday?"

She trembles at his sudden question. 

"How did you know? "

"A question should be replied with an answer, not with a question?"

"I.... I..... It was a mistake."

"You are repeating the same mistake twice."

"I am sorry it will never happen again."

"Should we be together even after you cheated on me? Why are you silent now?"

"Can't we be like before? I promise it will never happen again."

"Really," He asked while raising an eyebrow.

She nodded. 

Eric came closer to Mia. He started kissing her lips. He was moving down. He knows all the sweet spots of her. She moaned"Liam".

Eric moved back. "Do you still want to continue this? " He asked with a pierced look. 

"Let's break up, " she finally said. 

He looked at her getting away from his sight. 

"Did I even love her?" He asked himself. "Maybe not that's why I am not broken", He said to himself. 

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