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"Ava we are getting late again because of you," Anne shouted.

They quickly locked the door and started running. 

Another beautiful day but maybe not for girls. They encounter Oliver but they decide to ignore him. 

"Ava, can we please talk?" Oliver asked. 

"No, there is nothing to talk about," Ava replied. 

They both headed towards the class. 

The teacher came and announced that the students who are interested in theatre can visit room number 14-B after the class is over. 

The beautiful day was turning boring (Just like my story). 

"Let's join the drama club," Ava said. 

"No, I'll join tennis." (I think you remember why?)

"At least come with me."

"Am I your mother? " Anne asked.


"Then why are you behaving like my daughter? Mamma takes me there, please. Go by yourself."

But Ava dragged Anne with her.

Anne stopped herself when she saw Eric there. Did he also join the theatre? She asked herself. Anne was again in dreams but Eric was busy talking to a friend and they left the room without even looking at Anne. 

"I want to join the theater," Anne said. 

Ava was completely shocked. She was like what happened to this girl? A few minutes ago she was fighting with me for not coming here and now she wants to join it. Something is fishy. (Kuch toh gadbad hai Daya).

"Why? " Ava asked.

"Why not?"

"But... "

Before she could complete Anne said, "Don't you want me to join this club? I thought we could spend more time together and it would be fun if we were together. But okay I will not join this because you don't want to spend time with me. Ava, you have changed. I thought of you as my best friend but it's okay I will go and join that tennis club and get all sweaty and gross and you can enjoy staying here in the air conditioner. It's okay if you want your time alone without me."

"Let's join it together."

Next day-

Finally, the classes ended and they moved towards the theater hall. 

Where is he? Anne's eyes were busy in finding him and she got nothing but disappointment.

Three days had passed and she was getting bored. "Theatre is not for me. I cannot be an actress," she thought.

While coming back she saw Eric and stopped. His sweaty forehead and muscular body were making him more attractive. He is in the tennis club.

"Why did I join the theater club?" she asked herself.

"Ava, I think the theater is not for me. I can be anything but not an actress. I made the wrong decision. I will leave it tomorrow."

"But.... "

"I know our friendship is important but we can spend time together at home and in class and I want to do something which I find interesting. I know you're the best and you will support me no matter what happens. Ava, you are the best and I love you."

"Okay if you want it then it's alright."

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