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"Order order, please maintain the dignity of the court", the judge said.

"I have a copy of the bill which was paid by Mr. Bob's credit card. It clearly shows that Mr. Bob has bought a sex stimulant three days before his exhibition. Tests show that it is the same stimulant that was found in both Anne's and Bob's bodies. So, Mr. Bob, what do you want to say about this?"

"I had never bought any such thing, someone is trying to frame me," Bob said.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I am sure and I was not in the city three days before the exhibition."

"Who said you bought it from this city?" Lawyer said.

"You were in Tallahassee."

"Yes," Bob replied.

"I want to play a video in court."

"Permission granted".

The video was played which shows that Bob has bought something from the drugstore. The lawyer later shows the payment receipt and his credit card transaction receipt.

" I had bought it but I had never used it on Anne," Bob said in a shaking voice.

"Then where is it now?"

"I had given this to James and he and his girlfriend used it," Bob said.

"I guess you guys are very close, you even discuss your sex life," Anne's lawyer said in a mocking tone. "Let's assume that whatever he has said is true but can you tell the court why you have been to Tallahassee?"

"Why are you questioning his private life? You are breaching ...." 

Before Bob's lawyer could finish, Anne's lawyer said," I will prove that this question is relevant to the case. Please allow me to ask it."

"You can continue," Judge said.

The lawyer asked this question again but Bob didn't answer. So, he answers it himself," He was there because a suit was filed against him. He did the same thing with the other girl there, she was also his student. But this case got closed because they settled it outside the courtroom."

"There was a misunderstanding and we solved it, I had never forced any girl in my life," Bob said trying to defend himself.

"Why does this sort of misunderstanding always happen with you, Mr. Bob? Two years ago one of your students filed a lawsuit against you and you settled this case as well," Anne's lawyer said while submitting the FIR copy to the court. "This shows that Mr. Bob is a habitual criminal."

"You cannot call him a criminal because none of the charges were proved in court. I think that prosecution forgets that until proven a person is innocent."

"I am aware and I will prove him guilty. I want to call my next witness Miss Emily in the witness box."

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