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Finally, he came. She came toward him. He handed her a packet of pads from the cloth bag and asked, "Why are you still standing?" 

"I need to change first," she said and rushed toward the bathroom with some clothes and pads.

She took a quick bath and as she came out she was welcomed with hot chocolate. "How can someone not fall for him?" She thought and smiled.

"Let's watch a movie," he said while pulling her to the bed. He handed her a hot bag when she settled herself in bed and covered her half body with a blanket. "I think I am falling in love again." Anne thought and blushed.

She kissed his cheeks and said, "Thank you."

"Princess, do you forget that instead of 'thank you ' what I want to hear?"

"I love you."

"That's like my girl," he said and giggled. He put his arm around her neck and while cuddling they enjoyed the movie together. 


Half hour ago

Eric picked up a packet of condoms and suddenly his eyes went to lube, he picked a tube of lube also. "We might need it," he thought, "I want to make her feel good, I wish she doesn't feel much pain. I might not be able to do it if she cries."

He paid and took the bill, and the guy who was sitting at the counter gave him a mischievous look. 

As he entered the home, he saw Anne was standing at the door restless. When she said that we can't do this he felt like he was pressuring her. He mentally slapped himself for being a jerk but as she said she got her period he felt relaxed. He handed her the carry bag and went to buy pads.

"Which one should I buy?" He asked himself. "I remember that Mia told me to buy extra-large size pads for her first day of the period." He decided to buy the extra-large size. He also took one hot water bottle, some snacks, hot chocolate, and some sweets. He remembered that Anne loves to eat sweets when she is on her period.

He went to the counter for billing and it was the same guy whom he encountered earlier, he gave him a sympathetic look as if the same thing happened with him as well. 

He came back and handed her pads. She went to the bathroom, so he decided to make hot chocolate for her and put the electric hot water bottle on the charger. "She looked happy when I handed her hot chocolate and I noticed her ear-to-ear smile when I handed her the hot water bottle." She noticed and smiled.

"Watching a movie while cuddling with your girlfriend is also a good way to celebrate our first anniversary." He thought and enjoyed his day. 

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