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"Eric, you are behaving very immaturely. " Anne said, more likely she shows her concern. 

"It's not me, it's you who is behaving immaturely and I'll not tolerate this behavior."

"What? " She asked while raising her eyebrow. 

"You are shouting at me, you have even pushed me and now you are saying that I am behaving immaturely. You know what no one has ever talked to me like this, if it was not you then... "

"Then what Eric?"

"I don't know why am I even talking to you?"

"Now you don't even know why you are talking to me? Wow! Well done. "

"Stop this Anne, I had enough of you."

"I too had enough of you Eric."

They were staring into each other's eyes. 

"Eric you have to be serious, life is not a joke, just because you are rich doesn't mean that you can be this chill. You are good at studies and even in sports. I just want you to take it seriously, we can't afford to be lovey-dovey all the time."

" You don't like when I touch you."

"No, it is not the matter. You are taking it wrong."

"Why did you push me then? "

"Eric you are changing the topic."

"I am not... "

"Let's just stop it, we will talk about this later. " Anne stood up and was about to go. 

Eric grabbed her by her elbow and said, "Where do you think you are going, Miss Anne? "

"Eric we will fight if we talk more about it, right now let's just give ourselves some time and we will talk later."

"When later?  I want to talk right now. " He said while tightening his grip. 

"Eric" She closed her eyes "We will talk later, it is not going anywhere and we are hurting each other." 

She tried to free herself from his grip but he even tightened it more. 

"Just because I have been sweet to you all the time doesn't mean that you'll act all...."

"Eric, please stop, you are hurting me." Her eyes filled with tears. She closes her eyes to prevent them from flowing but they find their way out. 

Eric immediately let go of her hand.

"I am sorry I didn't mean to hurt you,"

he said worriedly.

"It's okay Eric, I think I should go now." She said while opening her eyes. 

She speeds up her pace and leaves without looking back at him. 

Eric was standing there looking at her disappearing figure. 

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