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Bob saw her going into the storeroom so he followed her, he saw her blushing. He came in front of her and said, " Someone is blushing."

Anne was startled seeing him in front of her out of nowhere, " Are you a ghost Bob? You scared me."

"Sorry, I had no intention of scaring you. By the way, what are you doing here?"

"I was bored upstairs so I decided to come here and pack some of the sold-out sculptures."

"I am sorry for dragging you here." He said with a pout.

Anne chuckled at his sudden pout, it was unexpected.

They go back to the exhibition and talk with some more people.

Anne was eagerly waiting to meet Eric, she was checking the time again and again and finally, it was six and except for a couple of people, the entire hall was empty. Soon, they also left. Anne looked at Bob hoping he would say goodbye but he said, " Can you help me with the remaining art? I want to put it back in the storeroom." 

She nodded because it is difficult to say no to a person who is helping you without any reason. 

"Let's have a coffee first, I am tired," Bob said while stretching his arm.

"Sure, I will make some", she said. 

They move toward Bob's workplace, "What about the helper in the storeroom?" She asked.

"He left already." 

"Oh! okay." 

She makes coffee and relaxes on the sofa and removes her heels, "This is best", she said while sipping her coffee.

Bob came closer to her and hugged her saying that she has done a good job today and he is very happy to meet her.

For the first time, his touch seems sincere. She smiled and then they both seated themselves and enjoyed the coffee together.

It was 8:15 PM and they had packed almost 90% of things.

She was feeling hot. Sweat beads were formed on her  forehead, but she decided to ignore them. 

A few moments later her hands started shivering, she almost dropped a statue. Bob noticed it and asked her to sit and relax. 

"I am alright Bob, let's wrap this quickly."

"I will do this later, you should sit and relax, I'll bring water for you."

She nodded and reduced the temperature of the air conditioner but nothing was working out. 

Soon Bob arrived and handed her the water bottle. She took it and drank it in one go.

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