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"No, stop thinking about this Anne. He is not that type of person. Remember what he said, " I'll never let a person go till they want to leave first."
But this is awkward. Something seems off, he never talked to me like this. Is he okay, if something is troubling him? Or he is just over me, maybe he finds someone better than me.
Put a full stop to these nasty thoughts of yours. You know yourself he is not that sort of person." She thought.

"But he is a man and men have needs. We are about to complete our one year but we didn't do anything. 
But this did not give him the right to be with someone else.
Why do I feel like I am overreacting?" Anne thought.

"Whatever he needs to apologize. I am not going to call him. Yes, I will not call him. It is final. I have my self-respect and I'll not call him. But I can check out if he is online. Yes, this is fair." She thought and was about to check out but then Ava screamed, "Queen Elizabeth if you are done then let's go, or do you want me to do your shift again my highness."

"Let's move toward the restaurant general. We need to win today's battle as well", Anne said with a smile.

At least I can be busy and not overthink. Anne said to herself.

An hour later she went to the restaurant making hamburgers, her phone rang and she quickly picked it up, thinking it must be Eric. She was wrong, one of her classmates called het so that she will not forget to bring her notes. She had given her those notes three days ago and she kept forgetting to give them back." I think I am forgetting things more often these days, what if I have amnesia? Well, I am not sure about amnesia but I think I surely am a patient of the disease known as overthinking."Anne thought and chuckled.

"It's almost an hour, why is he not calling me?", she said in her mind while passing the hamburgers to the counter.

" Anne a cheese sandwich and Ava prepare a barbeque for table number fifteen."

She nodded and got back to the kitchen counter. 

"Should I call him? No Anne you will not, you promised yourself, what about your self-esteem? Yes, I'll not call him."

She opened her Instagram and then her WhatsApp, his last seen was two hours ago. He must be busy, she thought while putting it back in her apron. 

"What are you thinking Anne?" Ava asked her.


"Don't lie."

" I was thinking about Eric and..."

"Thinking how first his parents then your parents ruin your sexy mood," Ava said without letting her complete her sentence.

" Shut up," Anne said while handling her sandwich which Ava further passed to the main counter.

"You look sad."

"Because I am sad Ava, I am so done with Eric," Anne said more as she complained to her best friend. "We fight, wait it's not even a fight."

Ava chuckled."Give me details," she said.

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