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"You look beautiful under me, I had imagined this for a very long doll. Don't worry I will be gentle, just relax, okay."

She was crying non stop, she was begging him to please stop it. She begged and fought. She did everything that she could do. She prepared herself for the worst. She was about to rape. "Someone please stop him," she was praying this in her mind. "Only if I didn't get ready to help him, if I knew his intention earlier, I would be with Eric, maybe laughing and living my life to its fullest." She thought and closed her eyes because she couldn't take it anymore.

"I wish it would stop or I would disappear. Mom, Dad, Eric, please someone save me."

All her prayers went in vain. No one came, she keep buffing, she keep crying but nothing stops him, he did it, he raped her.

It hurt, it did badly but she was not in the situation to defend herself. He kept on saying something but she was unable to hear him. She closed her eyes in pain, in disgust. At that very moment, she wanted to die and she wanted to kill him.

She heard a loud thud and opened her eyes, he was not above her anymore. Ava came and hugged her, then removed the handkerchief from her mouth. Eric was beating Bob. Everything got blurred and she passed out.


"She didn't come to receive me at the airport. I called her but she switched off the phone. This is very unusual, she never switches off her phone", Eric thought.

He decided to call Ava and she told him that Anne is not in the dorm. Anne told her that she was not feeling well so Bob would drop her at the dorm, but she didn't arrive yet.

He took the cab and asked for the address from Ava, and told her to come there. They both arrived at the same time and then they headed toward the art gallery.

There was no one there, they were about to go back when Eric heard someone sobbing. His heart sank when he saw him forcing Anne. "How could he?" He thought and pulled him and punched him, he kept punching him till he passed out.

He moved toward Anne and took her in his arms from Ava and noticed she too passed out.

He panicked and picked her in his arms and was about to run outside but Ava stopped him and covered her naked body with the white sheet that was above some statues. They rushed toward the hospital.

Ava called the police and they caught him.

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