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Next day-

"I want to... " Anne said. 

"Hello, I want to join the theater."

Everyone looks in the direction of the voice. It was Eric. 

"Okay, fill this form. Anne, what were you saying? "

"I want to audition for Juliet. "

Ava was looking at her and thought, "I can't understand this girl. She is so unpredictable. Her mood swings are something."

Eric saw her again near the tennis court, she was looking at ground. Is she upset again? Should I go and talk to her? Eric asked himself.

"She is looking beautiful," he said and was about to go near her but she already started walking.

His friend Nathan came to him. 

Nathan: I know she is beautiful.

Eric: What? 

Nathan: Anne is beautiful and single too. 

Eric: What are we talking about? 

Nathan: She joined the theatre a few days ago.

Eric: And why are you telling me this? 

Nathan: I was just helping.

Eric: I didn't ask. 

The next day excitement was visible on Eric's face. 

Anne: "I want to audition for Juliet. "

Eric: "I want to be Romeo. "

Both of them were looking at each other affectionately.

Many days have passed. Both of them were seeing each other almost every day. 

Anne was not selected as Juliet but Eric became Romeo. 

"I know you are beautiful and talented Anne and you can be anything you want except an actress," Ava said while laughing.

"I can be an actress too, okay. It's just that... that egoistic President doesn't like me and he has given me the shortest role that no one is going to notice. I hate him."

Ava watches her best friend behaving like a baby. 

"You can go to the dorm, I am going to rehearse a little," Anne said. 

"Are you going to miss dinner then?"

"I am not that hungry."

"I will wait, we will leave together," Ava said.

"No you should go, I'll come later."

"Are you sure?"

"Just go already." She pushed her.

She had seen Eric was alone so decided to stay but she can't show him that she stay for him. "He always leaves at last. Maybe we can spend some time together. Hey Anne, come back to your senses, he doesn't even know your name and you are the worst actor here so why do you think he will spend time with you? It doesn't matter, I'll just go to watch him. It's enough for me. You are so hopeless. At least try to talk with him." She said to herself.

"Anne, can you help me with the lines," Eric asked. 

"Yes, sure," she said, "he knows my name" she thought.

They started practicing.

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