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"Is it true that you asked James if Bob could teach you?"

"Yes," she said.

"How was your relationship with Bob?"

"It was professional, he used to teach me."

"Nothing personal?"


"Tell the court what happened on that day."

She told them everything that had happened, some unwanted tears left her eyes but she kept herself strong.

"So, who made the coffee?"

"I made it".

"Did Bob take it to the table?"


"Then it is clear my lord that Miss Anne was the one who drugged Bob and when he came under influence of it, she seduced him," he wrongly accuses her.

"No, I didn't drug him. This is untrue." She could not control herself anymore, tears were flowing like a waterfall from her eyes.

"Not only she intoxicated him but when she noticed that his boyfriend and friend came there, she showed that he raped her," he said while raising his voice.


"If you were forced then why didn't you fight back?"

"I did," she showed him her wrist that still has the mark of his tight grip.

"It was Bob who gave you those marks when you were seducing him, he tried to get away from you," he shouted.

"No, he forced me."

"If he forced you then why his body didn't have any single trace of your rebellion, this proves that either it was mutual or you drugged him," he said glaring at her. He turned his face toward the judge and said, " Miss Anne herself said that it was she who made coffee and Bob didn't even touch it, she framed him when she got scared that his boyfriend would find her cheating on him, she came up with a story. I request you to please arrest her for intoxicating my client and also for forcing him to make sexual contact with her and framing a lawful citizen for a filthy crime that he never commits, she should also be compensated his medical expenses because her actions mentally harassed him."

"I object that my lord, defended, is wrongly blaming the victim, claiming that her bruises are because Mr. Bob tries to protect himself. I want you to take a sensible decision and gave strict punishment to Bob so that no one in the future dares to rape an innocent girl."

"Dear Prosecutor, my allegations are not baseless, think to yourself, if he had drugged her then how do my client reports show that he was drugged? I want that justice should be done, Miss Anne should be given punishment for her unlawful act and Mr. Bob should be set free and declared innocent."

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