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Eric's birthday was about to come and Anne started working extra time as a waitress in a nearby cafe because she wanted to surprise him. Eric was unaware of what was going on in her mind.

Time was about 10:30 pm. Our lovely couple was having a walk near Eric's condo and suddenly it started raining. They started running towards the building. Both of them were wet. 

"Let's go inside and change your clothes otherwise you will catch a cold. "Eric said while touching her hair. 

"I think the rain will stop soon."

"But I don't think so."

"I think I should take the cab."

"You still don't trust me", he said while looking disappointed.

"No, I just don't want to bother you."

"You never bother me, Babe."

Eric holds her hand and takes her to his condo. 

There was tension in the air. 

"You should take a bath first. I'll go and prepare some clothes." He said while giving her a bathrobe and showing her the bathroom. 

It was her first time when she came to Eric's condo. She was wearing a black dress underneath the jacket. She removed her jacket but her hair stuck in the dress zipper.

"Stupid zipper", she said while trying to keep her hair free. 

"Should I call Eric? No, he will think I am inviting her. Please please open, why do I always get stuck in an embarrassing situation?" Anne thought.

She pulled it so hard that the zip broke. She looked at the broken zip and slipped out from her dress. 

When she came out she saw he had already changed his clothes.

"Come here, let me dry your hair." He said while picking the hairdryer.

She sat on the sofa and Eric was standing.

This is so romantic. She thought. 

His fingers were touching her neck.

"Your hands are cold."

"Warm them later," He said and chuckled.

Anne was enjoying this. He even appears more handsome when he is caring.

"Done, wear these", he said while giving her a hoodie and pajama. 

She changed into them. 

"She looks more appealing and cute in my clothes. It reminds me how small her body is," Eric thought.

"Anne I think...... I need to kiss you." He said while pulling her closer. 

She looks at him with doe eyes. 

"Don't look at me like that otherwise I would do something more than just a kiss."

She widens her eyes.

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