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"Why were you asking me these questions?" He asked. 

"Can I be honest?" She said while breaking the hug. 

He nodded looking into her eyes. 

"I was shocked when I saw your father, I was having the negative vibes that you can be a playboy. You already have seven girlfriends before me. I was feeling insecure because suddenly I found you as Richie rich. I was scared that you would see me like some gold digger or maybe you are not genuine with me and later at the party I met a girl who warned me to stay away from you. I don't want to believe her but I don't know why I was feeling insecure, scared, uncomfortable and what not. I am sorry, sorry that I think wrong about you." Her eyes were filling again. 

"It's not your fault only. I should have told you about this before. But Anne, people behaved very differently when I told them about myself, so I decided to hide it. I am sorry that you were scared. Let me tell you one more thing, I never ask any of my ex-girlfriends to break up with me, most of them fall out of love, it was their choice. I can say they ditched me first. I don't let a person go until he or she decides to go first. So you can relax, I promise I am not a playboy, at least not for you."

There was complete silence as both of them were looking at each other with love in their eyes. Suddenly Anne's stomach growls. She breaks eye contact because of embarrassment.

"Do you want to eat something? I am hungry too."

She nodded and he began to move toward the refrigerator and bring out the cake that Anne made for her. 

"Let's eat this." He said and Anne nodded.

"Thank you so much for making my day special." He said while wiping cream from her lips. She looked at him with her shiny eyes. 

"I know you work extra hours so that we can go on a proper date. Thank you for making me feel so special."

She was looking at him blankly.

"Finish it soon, because I want to sleep and cuddle with you, maybe we could do something else also."

Anne choked on food and started coughing meanwhile Eric rubbed her back with a smirk visible on his lips.

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