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As they entered the court Anne saw him smirking, "he must be thinking that he would win. Your days are gone Bob, this is the last smirk that anyone can witness on your face."

During trails

"I want to call Dr. John Simon in the witness box," Anne's lawyer said.

"Permission granted."

"Can you tell the court what was the condition of Anne when she was admitted to the hospital?"

"She was unconscious when admitted. She was draped in a white bed sheet and was not wearing any clothes beneath it. The initial examination shows that she was forced."

"How can you be so sure that she was forced?"

"Her genitals were bleeding and her other body parts were bruised. She gained consciousness after two hours. We collected her blood samples and that shows that she was given stimulants so that her sex drive can be increased." Doctor explained.

"Are you sure she was given the stimulant because the other side is claiming that she was the one who drugged Bob?"

"I am not saying this is impossible but I highly doubt it. Her condition was not good."

"Please note that her condition was not good when she was admitted to the hospital and even her genitals were bleeding which proves that she was raped. The other side may ask the question."

"No questions my lord." Bob's lawyer said.

"Now I want to call Inspector Johnson who was in charge of this case."

Permission was granted. He asked him to describe the condition in which the cops had arrested him. To which he replied that when they came to the place Bob was lying unconscious there, he was beaten by Eric when he saw him forcing Anne. 

"Is it possible that he takes the stimulant after getting beaten by him?"

"Yes, this can happen because there was a gap of 10 minutes when Eric and Ava called us and we arrived at the spot."

"Please note that there is a possibility that Bob himself took the drug and acted like he was given the drug."

"I object to it my lord, the medical reports already clear that the drug was in coffee and Miss Anne herself confesses that she was the one who made coffee. The prosecutor is trying to mislead the case."

"Objection overruled".

" I have something which will prove that Miss Anne is innocent and Mr. Bob has planned everything."

Everyone started whispering in the courtroom. Bob's face lost its radiance. He was looking pale at that moment. The look Anne wanted to see on his face was finally there.

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