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"I have almost one and half hours left, so let me decorate it a little bit and order some food." He orders food and ice cream along with it. 

His eyes landed on her bag that he hung behind the door. 

What is in it? 

Should I check it? 

Yes, I can check, it's my girlfriend's stuff. 

He starts opening the bag while sitting on the sofa.

Her clothes and lipstick and what is in this, what the......... F***?

Mom-dad why did you come yesterday?

Holy ****It is beautiful. She would have looked beautiful in this. He said while eyeing the red laced lingerie.

Did she plan???? She wanted to have..... We both could have yesterday....... Mom-Dad you should have not disturbed us. I missed what I should not have missed. 

He thought while feeling the satin touch of that red cloth. 

He was about to pack it again but his eyes fell on something else.... What lube? What else does she have in this bag? 


F*** she really wanted to..... 

Suddenly the bell rang. "Food has arrived." He thought and put the lube and condoms down on the sofa and opened the door. 
When Anne arrived she saw the guy who came to deliver food, she took the food from him. 

"Relax Anne, you need to spend time with him. He will go back on Monday. You two need to spend some time together and it is your birthday, so be happy." She thought and rang the bell.

Eric opened the door and thought, "It is Anne.... Okay...... What???? Anne? "What are you doing here?" he screamed his lungs out. 

"What?" she was surprised by this reaction.

"I mean.... you said.... You will come by 12."

"But I came early, should I go back? "

"No, I didn't mean it. Please come. "

"Hold this first." She said while handing him the food packed. "I just took him from the delivery boy, who rang the bell."


"I'm thirsty," she said and started moving toward the kitchen but her feet froze when she saw the sofa. 

She looked at Eric. 

What was he planning to do? She thought.

Eric was following her but when she stopped he stopped too, he lifted his eyes only to meet a sharp glare from her. It takes no time for him to understand why Anne was looking at him more likely why she was staring at him. 

Eric was following her but when she stopped he stopped too, he lifted his eyes only to meet a sharp glare from her. It takes no time for him to understand why Anne was looking at him more likely why she was staring at him. 

"I'm sorry I can explain", these are the only words left his mouth.

" Explain then," she said.

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