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Next day

Anne woke up with the feeling that "I need to change my pad." She opened her eyes and found Eric's arms under her neck and around her belly, his face was above her head. She gently removed his hand and got up, he woke up suddenly and said, " Are you, okay princess? Do you still feel pain? Should I go to a drugstore?"

"Relax Eric, I am fine. I just need to use the bathroom. Sleep again okay."

He nodded and while closing his eyes he said, " Come back quickly. I want to cuddle."

She nodded and got up from the bed and checked to see if the bed sheet had any stains. She let out a deep breath, when she found out that everything was under control. She grabbed her clothes to take a shower.

"He is super caring, I never felt this before. Maybe we are in a long-distance relationship that's why I am missing this. But it feels good to be pampered by your boyfriend." She thought while taking a bath.

Anne came out and saw him sleeping peacefully. She decided to prepare breakfast but before she could reach the gate he asked, "Where are you going?"

"When did he wake up?" She questioned herself. 

"To make breakfast for my sleeping beauty," she replied in a romantic tone.

He blushed (Wow Anne you are improving, she complimented herself on my little success). 

"Sleeping beauty will wake up with a kiss, not with breakfast," he said.

Now it was her turn to blush.

He opens his arms and she reach him and hug him. They were cuddling, suddenly her stomach growled indicating that she was hungry. He looked at her tummy and laughed a little. "This is embarrassing", she thought. 

"Baby I thought I was sleeping beauty and you wanted to make breakfast for me," he said in her ear.

"Why does he have to make everything sensual? He can also say this in a normal tone but no, he loves to tease me. Sometimes I feel that I am weird, I ask questions and I answer them myself. But what can be done? I cannot change myself." She was lost in her thoughts.

She came out of her thoughts when Eric asked her, "How are you feeling now?"

"Much better," she replied.

"Babe if you are comfortable then let's go on a date, I mean a picnic date. All my friends and their girlfriends hang out and I was the only lonely one in the group."

"Where are we going?" She didn't even let him complete his sentence, she too wanted to go out so she asked excitedly.

"Jesus Green"

She didn't have any idea what it was, but she wanted to go there.

She asked Eric to take a bath. Meanwhile, she decided to make breakfast. Pancakes are the easiest thing to make.

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