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After some time Ava dragged Anne with her. Ava was surprised too. 

"You never told me....."She was about to complain.

"I found it a few hours ago."

She was feeling more comfortable with Ava. She never leaves her side till Nathan drags her to the dance floor.

She decided to sit in a corner. She noticed that people were gossiping about her. She didn't like all this. She wanted to go back so badly but she looked at Eric who was smiling while talking to his friends.

Don't be mean Anne, it's his day, let him enjoy it. Don't make it a big deal. Look how much he is enjoying it, don't ruin it okay. She said to herself.

Let's cut the cake. Anchor announced.

Eric was looking for Anne and he found her watching him. He smiled when their eyes met. Anne smiled back. 

Both were talking in their eyes. Eric gestured for her to come so that he could cut the cake. Anne refused. He came to her and held her hand and then took her with him. 

Soon he cuts the cake and later people move toward the dance floor leaving Anne and Eric behind. Eric was still holding her hand. 

Anne looked at their hands.

"Anne, stop ruining your relationship and stop thinking negatively about him. You are his priority and you are feeling it. He is not a player and your heart knows this, so stop being ridiculous.

It doesn't matter who he is, what matters is that you are together, you love him, right? Then just keep loving him and stop thinking about these useless things." She said to herself.

"Let's dance," Anne said. 

Eric pulled her closer and they spent the entire night dancing like maniacs.

It was 2 am but the party was still on. Anne was so tired that she was not able to even stand on her feet. She sat down on a nearby couch. Meanwhile, Ava, Nathan, and Eric were dancing with more people. 

After some time a girl came near her and sat next to her. 

"So you are Eric's present girlfriend?"

Anne was surprised by her sudden question. But she said "Yes"

"Be careful you are playing with fire."

"Excuse me? What do you mean? "

"You look innocent, that's why I warned you."

Before Anne could ask her something more she moved back to the dance floor.

"Who was she?" She asked herself." Why did she say so?" She was feeling unwell after hearing her. I want to go back. Her eyes were finding Eric. Soon they find him. She started moving toward him. 

"Eric" she called his name. He looked at her while dancing.

"Do you want to go back?" Eric asked her the question she wanted to ask. 

Anne nodded.

"Wait a few more minutes. I'll be back soon."

He said bye to some of his close friends and came back. 

"Let's go, babe."

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