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"I am not the only one helping you, you promised to give me money so that I can get admission to the University."

"Yes, I remember my promise after your testimony I'll send you."

"Thank you, it means a lot to me."

"I just want to see him behind bars for the rest of his life and I'll do anything that I could to get him in jail," Eric said.

The whispering increased and Eric stood up and said," It is fabricated, she is lying."

"Order Order we will get back to you, sit down for now," Judge said while banging his hammer.

"Call recordings can be manipulated, so I request you to dismiss this baseless evidence," the Prosecutor said.

"Request accepted."

"I hope you know that presenting false evidence in court is a crime, Miss Emily."

"Yes I am aware," She said.

"You may go now and to prove that Mr. Bob is framed wrongly, I want to call my witness Mr. James."

"Permission granted", Judge said.

"How do you know Mr. Bob and Miss Anne?"

"Bob is my business partner and Anne worked as my model for my last project," James said.

"Did Bob ever try to get near Miss Anne?" Bob's lawyer asked.

"No, he never did but Anne always used to watch him when she came for work and she was the first who asked me if Bob could teach her?"

"Please note that Miss Anne was the first to show her interest."

"Objection my lord, how can asking if someone can teach her is showing interest, I want the opponent to not mislead the court," her lawyer said.

"Objection overruled." 

"Mr. James, can you tell the court how Miss Anne's character was? I mean how she is as a person."

"She was very professional at first but later she became odd, odd means she flirts with me and one day my girlfriend confronted her and since that day she keeps a distance from me," James said.

That was the last thing she wanted to hear. Even James is with Eric, they are trying to make her fall in the eyes of everyone. Anne's eyes were filled with unshed tears. She wanted to shout, "he is talking nonsense, I never did any such thing", but words got stuck in her throat.

"Thank you, Mr. James, now the prosecution can ask the questions."

"No question my lord," her lawyer said.

"I want to call Miss Anne in the witness box," the defender said.

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