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James called Anne after three days because the paperwork was complete and now Anne just needed to sign it and be his model for fifteen days. 

Anne was super excited, she has never done this sort of thing before. "The lost bride", was the theme he was working upon. She had to be in a bride 's dress. There were seven dresses there and that too was of different cultures, but most of them were white or red. 

She has to be there from tomorrow. 

Present-day has already passed in excitement. Anne was thinking about those beautiful bridal dresses. 

She was on time, she changed quickly on one of the dresses that he selected, later he was doing Anne's makeup.

" I can do this myself," Anne whined.

"No, I need to do this, because that theme is already in my mind and you don't know what I want you to look like."

Anne knows she can't win here, so she shut her mouth and let him do whatever he wanted. 

He made her face his canvas and was busy painting her. 

He was standing very close to Anne. "He looks more attractive when he is concentrating on something, I am not checking him out," Anne thought, " okay maybe I am but it doesn't mean that I am cheating on Eric. 

His gaze is making me uncomfortable, he is surely a living vampire, should I ask him to show me his teeth? No, Anne stop being stupid.

I think I should close my eyes, in that way he can complete the makeup and I will not be bound by his handsomeness. 

Okay, I cannot close my eyes because it makes me sleepy, I need to open them."

After 50 minutes, finally, her makeup was done and now he was doing her hair. He makes a bun.

She looked at herself in the mirror, and asked," Is this really me?" "He did his job very well. I want to get married now otherwise this beautiful dress and this pretty makeup will be a waste. I want to take a picture and send it to Eric but according to the contract I cannot share any photographs or any information about his work with anyone." She thought.

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