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Happy reading ❤️

The exams were finally over, Anne was at her dorm. She decided to spend time with Eric but suddenly the owner called her, she needed help as most of the workers were on leave. 

She was a nice lady and also a good boss,  so Anne was not able to say no to her. 

"I am sorry Eric, I have to go, work is calling baby. "

"You are ditching me again."

"I promise I'll meet you after work. Bye," she said as she hung up the phone call. 

When she reached the restaurant, she saw Eric's car was parked there. 'I hope he just doesn't do anything stupid' she said to herself.  

With baby steps, she reached the restaurant.

"Anne, change your clothes faster. We have many customers today." Her boss said while giving change to one of the customers.

Anne nodded and put on her apron while her eyes were looking for Eric. She was about to enter the kitchen when two hands pulled her closer to him. 

"Looking for me babe. " He said while kissing her. 

"Eric....  What are you doing here? "

"I came because you promised me that you'll meet me and I was dying to see you.  We didn't meet because of those stupid exams and finally when they are over you were ignoring me for....."

"Ehhhhh" Boss clears her throat.

Eric let go of her. They both were looking at the ground.

"I'll give you enough time for your romance but after the restaurant is closed. Let's please focus on work."

Anne nodded and lifted her face while blushing.

"Anne two chicken fried steak with cream gravy at table number 8 and 11. Eric, you come with me and help Natalie."

They get back to work. It was a busy day but they were enjoying their time together while working and giving each other lovey-dovey looks. 

"What a busy day? " Eric said while walking out of the restaurant.

"Why did you come here? "

"I told you I missed my girlfriend."

"Eric, I am serious. I told you that I'll meet you after work is finished."

"Let's talk about this later, I have to take you somewhere." He said while dragging her to the car. 

"Where are we going? " Anne asked while putting on her seat belt.

"You will know. "

"Tell me"

"Shhhhh", Eric starts his car. 

"Where are we going? " Anne asked again after staying silent for three and half minutes.

"Shut this pretty mouth of yours or I have to do something to shut it."

Anne was now looking outside the window. 

They stop in front of a shopping mall. 

"Let's go now."

Anne nodded and followed him. 

He slowed his pace and grabbed her hand. "Move faster".

They were in front of a jewelry store. 

Anne was looking at him. 

"Why are we here Eric? "

"I want you to buy something for you?"

"But I don't need anything."

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