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She came back after drinking water and then Bob started telling her about how she can give a smooth look to sculpture. He was maintaining a distance now. 

"His behavior is something that always confuses me." She thought.

Finally, James called her and she got dressed again as a very beautiful bride. "But it is all a waste because I am not even allowed to take photographs and I can not let anyone see me", she thought.

Another day passed and now only two more days left when she would be free from this boring contract.

Two days later

Her modeling project with James ended today. "He didn't even let me see those paintings. He is superstitious, he told me that whenever he lets any model see their paintings before exhibition his work flop. Weird right? But nothing can be done." She thought.

Today she even met the designer that designed those dresses. She is James' girlfriend, "he never told me about her before." She thought,"She has a business mind. She is promoting those dresses for free. The people who will like his work and if they are interested in those dresses they can visit her boutique. I have to admit those dresses were very elegant."

They had a small party today and so she came home late. "I think Eric forgot about our anniversary. I asked him what he was doing the day after tomorrow and he replied that he had to submit a thesis. Poor me, I was thinking that he would prepare a surprise but he totally forgot about our anniversary." She thought while removing her jewellery and make-up.

"Ava suggested that I should go there and surprise him, so I booked the tickets. She too is meeting Nathan. Nathan and Eric both asked us out on the same day." She chuckled as the flashback of that day came in front of her eyes. "A complete year has passed that too pretty fast. I have to admit that Eric is a very nice and understanding person, a complete boyfriend material."

She was done with packing, she even bought matching shoes for them. At first she wanted to buy matching clothes but that could be too much. "I hope he likes them." She thought and took their last glimpse at them and then packed them. 

She will be there on Monday but she has to come back on Thursday because the exhibition is on Thursday and from Friday she has to join the cafe again. Her boss called her saying that she missed her. She has been working there for the past two years so it is a normal thing. She is very nice and Anne always saw her like an elder sister. 

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