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He decided to break the silence but she spoke first.

"Eric, why don't you go back?"

He knew what was coming next so decided to ignore it, " I will go on Monday darling."

"You know what I am talking about, Eric".

"Yes, I know but I don't want to start it again" Eric thought. "Listen carefully I'll not repeat myself in this matter, Baby I love you and nothing can change this fact. I am not a stupid person who'll let his girlfriend go away because of some as****. I already told you that you are not at fault then why are you blaming yourself, you never cheated on me, you try your best to defend yourself." He held her hand and started folding her full sleeve t-shirt," see every bruise of yours is giving testimony for you." 

"I am not pure anymore," she said while lowering her eyes. 

"Princess you are pure for me you are the same and if you think having sex makes you impure then you are wrong,  I am more impure in this way."

She giggled at his statement but her eyes were full of tears. He hugged her and cuddled her while laying on the bed.

Her body was stiff when he touched her but soon it relaxed, she hugged him back and they drifted to sleep.

Anne's father came to Anne's room to take her with him, "it is not a good idea to let her sleep alone" he thought, but when he entered he saw her sticking to Eric like a koala. A smile emerged on his face seeing her sleeping peacefully. 

He covered them with a blanket and came back to his room. 

"Where is Anne?" I'm Ema(her mother) asked.

"They both are sleeping and I don't feel like waking them up. They look peaceful."

"She has gone through a lot, I wish if we had taken her with us then nothing like that would have happened," she said with teary eyes. He hugged her and tried to comfort her but in the end, he ended up crying.

Next day

Anne woke up feeling wrapped in someone's arm, it was Eric. He stared at his handsome face and kissed his cheek, "I love you Eric". 

He giggled and took her in his embrace and said, " I love you more princess". 

"This is the best place to hide, I wish nothing had happened between me and Bob, my life was going way too smooth before that day. I'll not let those memories haunt me anymore, I'll be happy, I'll try my best to forget everything." She thought.

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