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"Why are you calling her? She has a deal with Eric and he paid her to give false testimony against Bob." Bob's lawyer said.

"I will prove that Mr. Eric didn't pay her and it was Mr. James who paid her to give false testimony. Please allow me to question her."

"Permission granted. Miss Emily, please come to the witness stand."

She has been called three times but she wasn't there. When the hearing started she was there, but I guess she left later when she heard that she was calling in the witness box. 

"I guess she already left. So, I want to call Mr. James in the witness box."

James came in. When he was asked if he knows Emily, he replied that he never met her before in his life.

"I want to show the court some photographs that were taken by me when I saw him meeting Emily and they seem closer."

"I object, the photographs might be manipulated."

"I know you would question the authenticity, so I ask the cafe owner to share the video recording with me," he handed a pen drive and the video was played in the courtroom.

James was spotted with Emily, they talked with each other for twenty minutes and while going back he handed her an envelope and she half-open it and then smiled at James and they parted their ways.

"Let me tell you I have seen you giving her that envelope so don't even try to lie. Other people at the restaurant also saw you, so it's better if you tell the truth. Explain this Mr. James?"

"I met her once and that too for thanking her that she decided to take a stand for truth."

"Really? Bother to explain what was in the envelope?"

"I remember she told the court that she needed to pay her fees. I kind of got emotional and decided to support her."

"Then why do you lie in court that you never knew her?"

"Indeed, I don't know her, I just help her so that she never falls into any such trap in the future."

"Did you know that Emily and you and Bob were in the same high school?"

"No, I did not know that and it's a coincidence that we studied in the same middle school."

"Too much of a coincidence Mr. James, first Bob buys the medicines for you and the same was found in Anne's blood. Second, you told the court that you never met Emily but you guys have been spotted together. Third, I said that Emily, you and Bob were in the same high school but you by coincidence said that you never knew you studied in the same middle school. What a coincidence? I never mention middle school."

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