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She changed quickly and was handling the counter today. Only a few customers were there today, so she was at ease.

"May I have your order?" She asked the customer that just arrived without even looking at his face.

"One hamburger and cold coffee." He said while giving her his credit card.

"Please be seated, your order will be on the table in ten minutes," she said with a smile while giving his card back.

"He is handsome. Wow, I wonder if he is a vampire. No Anne, 'it's wrong you are committed to Eric', she mentally slapped herself and went to the kitchen.

After a few minutes, she came back with his order and gave it to him.

"Your order is here," She said, grabbing his attention.

"Thank you," he replied politely.

She goes back to the counter and starts scrolling her phone. 

'Noam made friends' she thought while checking photos that her mother sent to him. Their apartment is beautiful.

Mom and Dad look so cute in this traditional dress. 

"I miss them", she said with a sad face.

She goes to clean the table when that handsome vampire leaves. Oh! he left something, she thought while looking at the gate hoping he may not leave. But he already left.

It was a thick paper sheet, she grabbed it to place it on the counter just in case he returned. Her eyes widened when she flipped the sheet. " He draws me. Wow! It is nice." 

She grabbed it and went back to her seat. 

"Why does he draw me? It is nice though but it is weird. Maybe he likes me. Why am I blushing? 

Okay he is hot but Eric is hotter (I know I am lying but it's okay).

But why out of all the people he draws me." She thought while taking order from other customers.

Next day

He comes again and Anne confronts him," Why did you draw me yesterday?"

"You look beautiful, I can't help but draw whenever I see something beautiful," He said in his deep voice.

Anne was confused about what to say now. She glared at him, not speaking a word.

"Let me introduce myself. I am James Mathew and I am a painter, my art gallery is nearby, would you mind coming with me and having a tour?"

"He is very straightforward." She thought,"Okay, he is handsome but his face will not work here at least on me." She was about to say "no" but he spoke without giving her any chance to reject him.

" I know I am very straightforward, I don't like beating around the bush. You are going to say "no", I already know this. Don't get me wrong, I am not hitting on you. You are beautiful and I need a model. You are very close to the ideal type that I was looking for. Here is my card if you want to give it a shot," he said while taking the card out from his wallet and giving it to her.

"Is he a mind reader as well? How does he know I am going to reject him?
So, he is not having any romantic feelings for you, what were you even thinking Anne?
Should I accept his offer?" She questioned herself.

She accepted his card, don't know why though? 

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