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"Why there? Why not here?" Anne asked with a smirk.

"Because I am tired of this long distance. I want to see you every day in front of my eyes. I want to hug you, kiss you every day, and also I want to cuddle. I find it very difficult to resist myself, every time I see you, I want to run here and hold you and...."

"Okay okay, I get you no need to explain further Mr. Romantic," Anne said with a blush.

He smiled and asked," Are you sure that you never took any classes when you were young? It is very difficult to believe that you made this in the first attempt."

" I am surprised. As far as I remember I never take any classes," Anne replied.

"I guess I am lucky to have a talented girlfriend like you."

"Finally you are admitting," Anne replied spontaneously. 

Eric chuckled at her sudden response but later asked her, "Do you remember Mia?"

"Your ex-girlfriend?"

Eric nodded and said," I met her."

Anne's jaw dropped but she somehow managed to keep a poker face and asked, "Why?" 

Eric understands that she is jealous although she only spoke one word, but the way her eyes were full of jealousy he got the idea.

"She wants to be together again. She told me that she missed me and as she is also here, she asked me to hang out with her. Should I go?"

"Why are you asking me? It is your life and you should make your own decisions."

"I thought you might be jealous because she is my ex and I just want to make sure you...."

Before he could even finish her patience reached a maximum level and she cut him off and said, "Why would I be jealous? She is your ex and even if she wants to be with you again, you have already told me that you don't have any feelings for her and I don't care whatever you do. You are free to meet anyone you want to because I don't want you to feel suffocating in this relationship and my father always said that whatever is yours will come back to you even if you lost it but if you never find it means it was never yours. But Eric let me tell you one thing: if I ever find that you are cheating upon me I promise I'll break all the bones of your body and then I'll surrender myself to the cops."

Eric was unable to control himself anymore, he burst out laughing and said, "You look cute when you are jealous. I was kidding you, Mia is getting married, she invited me to come along with you." 

As he told her the truth her face got its shine again and her smile was melting his heart again.

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