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Eric was with her father, he is a soft-hearted person and that was something he already knew. His love for Anne was not hidden. "It must be difficult for him to accept whatever has happened" he thought.

He thanked Eric over fifty times." Anne is my girl along with their daughter. Why can't they understand that? I guess it is because they are parents." He thought.

"Have you ever met that Bob before?" Her father asked.

"No," he replied.

"What does the doctor say?"

"In the hospital, they did some tests on Anne and we found out that she was on drugs, but you know Anne doesn't take drugs. It means he drugged her and they also found out that her estrogen level was very high. Doctors believed that he gave her some kind of stimulant to increase her....her desire," he said the last line in his mouth but he was sure that her father heard him.

"How did you guys find out about her?" He asked after a silence.

Eric told him everything that has happened. He was barely controlling his tears after telling him the entire incident. Her father was sobbing too. 

They have to visit the police station tomorrow so that they can initiate further proceedings but Anne was not ready to file a suit against him. What's going on in her mind is difficult to understand? 

Eric told him that the doctor has prescribed her some birth control which she needs to take for 21 days. She was on her ovulation period and she may conceive, they need to monitor her till her next period cycle.

Each one of them was praying the same thing, they all wished that she might not get pregnant.

Next day

Anne woke up and looked at the time it was 7 AM. She got up from the bed and after taking a bath she moved toward the kitchen where she saw her dad, he was making breakfast for all. He saw her and gave her a warm smile, she smiled back. 

"What are you making?" Anne asked.

"Pancake", he replied.

He made her sit at the dining table and gave her a cup of milk. She made  faces but she knew she'll never win against him. She finished it in one go and like always he complimented her that she is a good girl.

She asked him about Noam and he told her that because of his school they left him in the school dormitory. He told her not to worry about him because he makes many friends there. 

He took his cup of coffee and sat at the nearby chair after giving her a plate of pancakes. 

"It's good like always," she said with a smile. 

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