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Eric went into another room, where her mother and father tried to persuade her but she was very persistent to not file a suit. 

"Baby," Eric said while holding her hands, for a time being he forgot that her parents were still there," James called you and I picked up his phone."

"Why did you...."

Before she could complete her sentence he cut her and said, "First listen to me," she nodded and he continued, "You are not the only girl, he also did the same with many other girls as well. I talked with Emily and she also filed a case against him but because of lack of evidence he was released and she promised me that she will give a statement against him, she said she'll try to persuade some other victims as well."

She froze for a moment, her eyes were filled to the brim and she said," I want to tell you something", she said while sobbing. "Eric I am sorry, I didn't oppose him at first, I liked whatever he was doing.... I almost cheated on you.... However, I later tried to run away but.... He was stronger than me...... I am sorry, I cheated...."

He froze for a moment and then hugged her tightly, she was a crying mess. "How long she had kept this in her heart, I should have told her before," he thought and continued "Baby you are not at fault, he had given you stimulants, I am sorry I should have told you before. You should not feel guilty, he drugged you and because of that, your body responds in that way. It's okay, you didn't cheat on me, you fight, you did your best to save you but..... Stop crying..... Princess, please don't cry." He was unable to control himself any longer, so he cried with her. 

They calm down after some time. Anne broke the hug and said, "I am ready to fight against him if we don't stop him now he can do the same with some other girl as well."

He nodded and kissed her forehead. They looked around and saw everyone was crying in the room. Her dad wiped his tears quickly before Anne went toward him. She hugged him and said," I am ready dad, I want to punish him at any cost."

"That's like my girl," her father and Eric said at the same time. A smile emerges on her face. 

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