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" Hello"

"Good morning babe"

"Good morning"

"Come out of your dorm?"

"Why?" She asked him.

"Because I am standing right in front of your dorm gate and your security guard is giving me......"

"What are you doing there Eric?"She asked.

"I came here to surprise you, don't tell me that you forgot about our first anniversary?"

"I did not forget but you told me that you are busy so I came here to surprise you," She said.

"Where are you?"

"I am in front of your university and I was....."

"What are you doing there Anne?"

"I already told you that....."

"Okay, but what should we do now? Should I come back or are you coming here?" Eric asked.

"When do you plan to come back?"

"Maybe tomorrow or the day after tomorrow because I have an important seminar that day."

"So I think that it is better if you come back because I don't have much to do and you can be my tour guide for this city."

"And will I get in return?" He asked smirkingly.

"I'll spend my precious time with you, Mr. Eric Davis. Don't think anything dirty and come here quickly. I think I need to find a hotel."

"Don't go to any hotel, I'll send you the address and you can go there?"

"Don't tell me you have an apartment here too?" She asked.


"Why are you living in the dorm then?"

"Because my girlfriend lives in a different city and I am bored there alone," he said.

She chuckled and said," Come here fast Mr. Richie Rich, you should not let your girl roam alone in an unknown place. You know it is not safe."

"That's why I am saying be quick and go to the address I am sending you." 



"Yes", she said.

" I love you."

"Again these butterflies in my belly, thank God he is not in front of me, because I am all red." She thought and blushed. 

"Anne you need to reply to me."

"Come here quickly, Bye"

"You are rude."

"I know, I have been standing here for the past one hour, now I need to go. Bye, send me the address quickly and you too come quickly and me too bye."

She heard him giggling as she ended the call. 

"Isn't it funny that we want to surprise each other and we really surprise each other?" She thought and took a cab.

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