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Eric asked Ema if she needed any hands but she politely refused. He came back to her room and settled himself on her bed again thinking," Should I ask her to move in with me? I don't think it is right for now, I should give her some time. I will ask her to move in with me when she is better. I don't want her to go there, I don't know why but I feel something unpleasant is about to happen. Maybe I am being pessimistic, but I am scared, scared of losing her. I saw her crying but I was not in a condition to console her, she is pretending to be okay when she is not. I want to keep her safe so sending her away is a bit difficult for me. I know she would be happy there, after all, she would be with her parents. Stop being hesitant Eric, give her some time, she deserves it."

Eric was so occupied with his thoughts that he didn't observe that Anne came back and was standing right in front of him. 

"In whose thoughts are you so lost?" Anne asked him.

"I was thinking about you," Eric said, pulling her on the bed. 

"Liar," Anne said with her bunny smile. Eric took him in his embrace in no time and said," I am not lying, princess. You better take care of yourself otherwise I'll come and take you with me."

"I object my lordship, I deny your proposal, I'll come with you because….."

"I don't want any excuses Miss Anne, you have to follow the order or I will…."

"Or you will….." Anne said maintaining eye contact. 

"Or I'll punish you with kisses", Eric said touching her cheeks.

"Punish me then," Anne said.

Without wasting a single second Eric pulled her in a kiss, after five minutes of intense session Anne pushed Eric and ran toward the washroom. She threw up. Eric follows her and ties her hair with his hands. He kept patting her back. She gets up and moves toward the washbasin. She washed her face and shoved a weak smile to Eric, mentioning that she is okay. 

"How did that suddenly happen? Are you alright now? Should we visit a doctor?" Eric asks in concern. 

"I am fine Eric, I don't need a doctor. I have not been feeling well since morning, maybe because of digestion. Yesterday I ate too much dinner."

"Are you sure? If you want we can go quickly, what if you feel unwell during the journey?" 

"Relax Eric, trust me I am good now, if I feel even a bit uncomfortable I'll let you know. I promise," Anne said with a smile and Eric has to believe her because he knows he can't beat Anne. 

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