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She woke up earlier than usual so she decided to take a long bath.

Ava's phone was on her ear and she slept, she must be talking with Nathan late at night.

She removed her phone and she opened her eyes, looked at her and slept again. "She looks funny" Anne thought and she  was barely controlling her laughter because she didn't want to wake her up.

"Finally today I have time to decide what to wear because every day I wake up late and have to rush." She whispered looking  at the watch that they had in their room. It was 5 AM. "I always hate mornings but nowadays, I wake up early." She thought.

She quickly made a sandwich, ate it, and then left the dorm.

At studio

Bob was already there. "He is always here before me." She thought.

"Good morning Bob", she said smilingly.

" Morning, come here quickly." He was standing near the table where clay was placed.

She removed my jacket and covered her off-shoulder top with an apron. "I don't know why my steps always lose their pace when I am with him." She thought.

She stood on the opposite side of the table to him. He looked at her and then came to her backside. Her back was facing his face. 

He gently held her hands and started making something with the already kneaded clay.

She froze but her hands were moving in the way he wanted them to move. After a few minutes, she could feel his hot breath on her neck and exposed shoulder. "I don't like this, this is weird." She thought, "What should I do? His every touch is making me very uneasy."

One hour has already passed but he did not withdraw his hands. She always enjoyed, when she tried to make sculptures. "I know I am new to this but still, I like it and I also decided to make my career in this field but today I am feeling like I should run away." Anne thought.

Suddenly, he put his chin on her exposed nape. She took a deep breath and said," Bob, I need to drink water."

He loses his grip on her hands and removes his chin from her neck immediately. 

"What is he?" She thought," He makes me uncomfortable but the movement I tell him I had to go, he always lets me go. What if I am overthinking and he has no evil intentions and if I fight with him and later I realize that he is not a bad guy?
Why is everything so confusing? I don't like it when he touches me but at the same time, I don't want him to feel guilty if he is doing all this unintentionally. 
There should be a machine that tells us what is going on in the mind of another person, what is their true motive?"

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