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She chatted with her Dad as well, "he is my father but sometimes he behaves like a teenager. He wanted to come to the exhibition and my mother was barely able to stop him. I know he loves me a lot but I think it is a waste of money if he comes all the way from China to the States and that's too for being a part of an exhibition that I had not  prepared, I am merely a model."

"Two more days and then I'll meet Eric. The last time we met was on my birthday and our moment was ruined by our parents. It was funny." She thought about that day and smiled.

"Wait Anne," she mentally slapped herself. "What would I do if we had that moment again? Should I just continue it or should I wait for more time?
I love him and I don't doubt it but sex.....
Relax Anne," she said this to herself while taking a deep breath.

"But whenever I think about that night my breath becomes uneven. 
I think we should wait a little more but I want to feel him.
Annnnnnneeeeeeeeee you sound like a pervert," she said to herself and covered her face with the pillow. Her cheeks were all red, she thought, " I should sleep or else I will again think something perverted and if Ava notices it, I bet my life she will make fun of me."

Two days later

Finally, she was there 5 km away from Harvard. "I think I should call Eric now." She thought and called him.

"Why is his phone switched off?"

"I don't know in which dorm he lives, I have to wait till he switches on his phone. It is weird standing here alone at 5 AM.

I bet he is sleeping and forgot to put his phone on charge, he also forgets about our first anniversary. I will fight with him, no I'll not fight, I should behave like a mature and understanding girlfriend. Eric Davis you are lucky to have me as your girl." 

10 minutes have already passed and his phone is still off. 

"Okay, he will wake up at 7 so I think I have to wait for two more hours." She said. 

Half an hour has passed and now the time has lost its pace. One year passed very quickly but two hours are taking too long to pass. 

"I should call him again", She said to herself and called him, luckily his phone was on now and he picked her phone. 

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