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Her wrist was full of brushes so her neck and other body parts. His blood was boiling seeing her in this situation. "How can someone be so heartless?" He mumbled.

After two hours she gained consciousness.

She opened her eyes and saw Eric sitting in front of her, he was holding her hands. His eyes were red because of crying. He looked at her, the concern and love in his eyes were killing her. She wanted to hug him tightly, she wanted to cry but something was holding her back. 

"I cheated on Eric, I let Bob take advantage of me. I was needy for him, I felt like a whore. Eric deserves better, I am not the right girl for him. He treated me so gently, he always asked if I was ready, he never forced me. My consent was always his priority but what I had done? I slept with someone other than him." She thought. 

"Princess are you okay?"

"Eric, can you please leave? I want to be alone," she said with teary eyes.

He left and she burst into tears. "He loves me so much, how am I going to face him?" She thought and started crying even louder. 

She kept on crying and crying, her eyes were red. She was traumatized and that happen because of that motherf*****."  

He wanted to hug her badly but she was scared, she was scared of him. "What has that monster done to my Princess?" Tears left his eyes when she asked him to leave her alone. "I hate Bob and I'll kill him." He announced.

Ava came inside and hugged her, she cried and cried till her eyes were left with no more tears. She was trying to calm her but everything was in vain. 

One more hour has passed, Anne was with Ava, she didn't want to see Eric. He was waiting outside. He wanted her to call his name so that he could hug her. She didn't stop crying even for a single minute, every time he heard her sobs, he wanted to end that devil with his bare hands.

Ava's phone rang and she got up and went outside. When the door opened Anne saw Eric standing right behind the door. "I am sorry, Eric," she wanted to shout but words got stuck in her throat.

Ava came to him because Anne's parents were calling her. "What should we do now?" She asked.

"I will talk to them, you should go back to Anne."

She nodded and handed him her phone and moved back to Anne's room.

He decided to call her parents. "It is important, they should be aware of what has happened." He thought and called them.

He could hear her father crying, his world collapsed after hearing what had happened to his daughter. "I will be there as soon as possible, please don't leave her alone, I beg you," he said while sobbing.

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