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She woke up with a bad dream. Bob was saying, " You will pay for this.... doll."

"He can't do anything, I am safe. I am at home." She looked at Ava who was sleeping peacefully near her and as usual, she was drooling. Her mood lightened up seeing the sight in front of my eyes. She took her photograph and moved toward the kitchen to have some water. 

She heard some sound from her parent's room, she tiptoed there, and seeing her parents crying in front of her eyes made her fragile. She came back to her room and decided to not be rude to them anymore. 

" I am a jerk", she said to herself and cried till night engulfed me.  

Everyone was so frustrated, her dad was doing his best to gather all the evidence, even the police officer who was dealing with her case helped them a lot.

Finally, it was Tuesday, they headed toward the court. After reaching there, she met Eric who was already there. He hugged her and then went toward her father. The situation got tense. It appeared as if they were having an argument. She looked at them in concern and they both passed her an assuring smile. Something was not right but before she could ask anything, their lawyer called them and they headed into the court.

Again the defender blame game started, she tried her best to not freak out, she was holding her tears till she heard a bell declaring that it was lunch break.

She looked at Bob, he was glaring at her if he would eat her alive. Anne shivered thinking about what he said and what he did to her.

She was sitting with her mom and Ava, her dad and Eric were talking about something. 

After court resumed, her lawyer asked the judge to give them a few more days to prove Bob's crime

"Why? Why are they doing so? They have the testimony of the doctor who had treated me when I was admitted to the hospital. Why are they not presenting him?" She thought. 

They were granted permission, so the next trials would be held on Monday. 

James hugged Bob and the victory smirk was visible on both of their faces. 

She looked at Dad, but didn't even speak a word till they reached home. She entered her room, Eric tried to stop her but she glared at him, "Don't just don't".

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