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"Let me teach you how to kiss", he said while touching their foreheads.

Anne was breathing heavily. She was looking directly into his eyes. 

He held her nape, she closed her eyes and he kissed her. It was smooth. Earlier she didn't respond because she did not know how to kiss but later she synchronized.

As Anne sucks his lower lip a smirk appears on his lips. The kiss was getting deeper and deeper with every second.

Anne backed off to restore her breath but Eric pulled her in a kiss again. His steps were moving forward and Anne was going backward. Her back was touching the wall. 

She was trapped in between the wall and his body. Their lips were perfectly molding. His hand started going down towards her belly. One was still holding her nape thumb touching her jawline. He was exploring her mouth with his tongue. She was inexperienced so he was dominating her in every aspect. She was losing herself at every touch. The atmosphere was intoxicating. 

His fingers were touching her bare stomach which was driving her crazy. Soon his hand started moving upward but Anne held his hand signaling him to stop. They were still kissing each other, breathing heavily, feeling each other, and suddenly Anne's phone ranged. 

Anne pushed him aside and ran towards the phone. She was feeling embarrassed and shy. She picks up the phone. 

"Where the hell are you?" Ava shouted.

"I'm with Eric," Anne replied while holding her breath.

"Don't get pregnant, use protection, don't come back today and bye" and she cut the call. 

Anne smiled shyly but as her gaze met Eric she turned red. 

Eric hugged him.

She started crying.

"Babe why are you crying?" he asked, caressing her hair.

"I'm so happy today."

He kissed his forehead. "Me too"

"It's embarrassing."

"No, it's not. You are too cute to handle."

"I love you, Eric."

"I love you too."

"Do you want to sleep or do you want me to continue what we were doing before?" Eric asks while smirking.

Anne breaks eye contact saying, "I want to sleep."

Eric picked her up in bridal style.

He took her to his bedroom, placed her on his bed, and gave her a blanket. He pecked her lips and said, "Good night. I'll be in the next room."


"My girl is getting naughty or did I make you horny?"

Anne covers her face with the blanket. 

Eric uncovered her face and went near her ear and said, "I don't think I'll be able to control myself if I stay here. Do you still want me here?" He sucks her earlobe and places a wet kiss on her jawline.

She was blankly staring at him. 

"Let's take it slow. Even though you are driving me crazy."

She nodded shyly.

"Good night babe"

"Good night Eric" and he left the room.

She touched her lips, threw her legs in the air then rolled into bed. She was screaming but silently. Soon she drifted to sleep.

But Eric was having trouble sleeping.

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