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Happy reading 💖

They take each other in their embrace not knowing what will happen in the future. Everyone says that long-distance didn't work out, both of them were scared. 

"How am I going to manage without you?"Anne said. 

"Me too"

Eric has to go after five days. His packing was almost finished. They were spending their time together. Anne was not going for her work. She didn't want to miss a single minute with him. 

They were talking and cuddling when Eric received a call from her mother. She asked him to come home for a few days because later he'll leave for Harvard.

"I don't want to leave you," Eric said while removing some hair straps from her face. 

"But you have to go. "

"I'm not going."

"What? No, you are going." She said while getting up suddenly.

"Let's go together, you can meet my family as well."

"No Eric, it will be weird."

"What is weird about this? You already met my dad and my mom, she is such a sweetheart, you'll like her."

"But still it's a no."

"Come, let us go. " He said while attacking her with his sparkling eyes.

"My mom too wanted me to come home for a few days because after that our new session will start. I am thinking about going home too."

"When are you planning to come back? "

"When you'll ask me to come. " She said.

"Can I come with you?"

"No baby"

"But why? "

"Because my father will kill you while asking you so many questions. I know he'll directly jump into our marriage."

"I'm okay with it. I can marry you. "

"But I'm not sure." She said laughingly. 

He was giving her an angry look but she was laughing.

They both decided to come back after 3 days and then spend their time together.

Eric dropped her off at her dormitory and then left to meet his parents.

Anne packed her stuff and called Ava to tell her she is going back home. As usual, both Ava and Nathan were together. 

3 days later

Eric comes back and picks Anne up from Metro Station. 

They spend their quality time together.

Eric has to go today, he has a flight at 5:30 pm. 

"Don't talk much with other guys, don't work too much. "

"You too Mr. Eric Davis call me 5 times a day. In the morning, before going to classes, after you came back from your class, in the evening and before sleeping."

"Yes my lady"

They both were nervous and scared. It was for the first time they will stay away from each other for such a long time.

"I don't want to go," Eric said. 

Anne was looking at him.

"You know what Eric when I look at you, you are handsome. Stay away from all the girls. Give me your phone."

He handed his phone to her. 

Anne changed his phone wallpaper and put a photo which they took together.

"It looks better now, don't you dare to remove it."

Eric chuckled.

"Tell everyone that you are booked already. Don't you dare to flirt with any girl?"

Eric nodded.

"Anne, study hard, okay."

It was 3 pm. 

Anne booked a cab and dropped him at the airport.

They hugged and kissed each other for the last time. Their eyes were wet. Both move in a different direction and promise to love each other and to stay loyal. 

"I'll miss you." They said together while looking at each other for the last time. 

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