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Ava and Nathan had a huge fight, when Nathan applied for the United States Air Force Academy (The United States Air Force Academy (USAFA) is a military academy and it's in Colorado) and now he got admission there.

"I have told you about this before that I want to be a pilot and we have already discussed it."

"No, that wasn't a discussion, you just told me that you want to be a pilot but why do you have to go there? You want to be a pilot then you can be a pilot of some commercial plane as well. Why Air Force? "Ava shouted.

"Ava, it's been my dream since I was a kid. I know why you are freaking out but I assure you nothing wrong will happen, I promise."

"He also said the same thing to my mother but never returned," Ava said while crying.

Nathan hugged her but Ava kept hitting his chest, "You are not going anywhere Nathan, I'm not letting you go."

"Ava... baby.... Look at me.... Everything will be okay. I know you are scared but...."

" I don't want you to go Nathan please, I don't have anyone except you and now you too want to go."

"It's not like I'm going for forever, I will come to you every vacation and we will video call daily."

"Please Nathan don't do this to me."

"Ava, I know you are scared but I have to go."

Ava was a crying mess and Nathan was consoling her. Ava was three months old when her father passed, he was a pilot and was posted in Afghanistan, his plane crashed and even his body was burned only his ashes came back to the States.

Her mother became an alcoholic after his death and one day she committed suicide but luckily or unluckily she survived, she is in coma from the past eight years, Ava was living with her grandparents who are also taking care of their daughter means her mother. She loves Nathan soo much, however, their relationship started out of blue, she didn't even like him at first, but his caring nature, his pampering and his love make a place for him in her heart, and now when Nathan is going, it is getting difficult for her. She wants to stop him but she knows that he will not stop.

Finally, the day came when Nathan had to go, she let go of him with teary eyes. He also meets her mother for the first time before going.

"Mother, I'll take care of her, I promise. Please get well soon. " He said to her mother.

Story of Ava and Nathan is out you can check my book "HEROES".

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