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Nathan: The bill is on me. 

Anne: And why? 

Nathan: It's a treat.

Both Anne and Eric looked at him. "Why is this miserly man being so kind today?" Eric asked.

"I am dating."

"Who is that unlucky one?" Eric asked while laughing.

"It's me," Ava said.

Anne didn't believe her ears and said, "What? " and later asked, "Since when."

"Since today," Nathan replied.

"Ava, are you sure you can handle a monkey?" Eric asked while laughing.

"Are you my friend?"Nathan asked.

"No, I'm your father."

Everyone started laughing.

"I too have something to tell you? " Eric said. 

"Are you dating someone too? "

He held Anne's hand and said, "Yes.... We are dating...... Starting from today. "

"Finally you get your first boyfriend," Ava said loudly. "I want a big party."

Eric was surprised but didn't speak a word.

At night-

Both girls were busy talking to their lovers. 

After talking about some random stuff Eric finally asks Anne, "Am I your first boyfriend?"

"Yes," Anne replied shyly. 

After some silence, she finally asks, "Did you have any girlfriends before?"

"Yes. Are you disappointed?"

"No. That was all in the past. "

There was silence again. 

"Shall we have lunch together tomorrow?"

"Sure" Anne replied."I am sleepy."

"Okay, then good night babe."

'Babe' did he just call me babe? It's so weird but nice, Anne thought.

"Good night Eric."

"How many girlfriends did he have before me? Should I ask him? No, it doesn't sound mature. Okay, you are just seventeen and you can be immature at this age. 

Did he kiss them? Stop it, Anne, you should not be thinking about this. 

Is he even serious about me? It's just the first day and you are thinking too much. 

It's because he is my first love. 

I think I was too easy on him. I should have waited before saying yes. Is it too early? We don't even know each other much. 

Are you repelling it already?

No, it's just I don't know how to react?

Finally my first boyfriend." Anne giggled thinking about her first relationship.

"She agreed to be my girlfriend. I'm so happy. I was very scared to ask her out. I was thinking that she might reject me but luckily nothing happened like this. 

But wait, am I her first boyfriend? Yes, of course, she said it.

I think I should take things slow from now onwards. I am looking forward to tomorrow." Eric thought. 

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