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They started moving toward his bedroom without breaking the kiss as they entered his room. Eric removed her jacket without parting, Anne opened her eyes and she felt someone was staring at them. She pushed Eric and screamed as she saw some shadow on his bed. 

Eric switched on the lights and both of them were surprised at what they saw.

Eric's parents were there. 

It was awkward for all of them. 

"Who is she?" Eric's mom whispered.

"His girlfriend." His father replied.

"Mom and dad, what are you doing here?"

"We should be asking you this?" Her mother speaks. 

"Why do you come back? We were trying to reach you since morning and I got to know you booked a flight for here. Your mother was waiting for you we thought you'll come home but I can see you are busy," his father said

"It's not like that I can explain."

"You guys are still together." His father said while looking at Anne and then making eye contact with Eric. 

"When did you meet her?" Her mother asked. 

"At Eric's birthday."

"Oh! Okay"

"I think I should leave," Anne whispered in Eric's ears. 

"No wait in the other room, I'll be back soon."

"No, we will drop her home on our way home." Eric's mom said. 


"Your generation is very fast." Eric's mom said. "Does your family know that you are here? "

Anne was shocked at her sudden question, he looked at Eric. 


"What mom?" 

Eric shut her mouth not getting what to say. 

"How long have you guys been dating? " She asked while raising her voice and looking at Anne. 

"Nearly ten months." She said in a low voice. 

"Don't you find him weird? Don't you feel like he is a brat? How are you enduring him? I would have kicked him out if I didn't give him birth. Why are you enduring him  girl?" She said and started laughing.


"Don't even talk with me, I was waiting and you didn't come home, you should have at least told us so we should not have disturbed you." She said while shifting her gaze from Eric to Anne. 

Anne was embarrassed and her face was telling that she was all red. 

"Come home," Mr. Davis said. 

Eric nodded.

"Let's go, honey. "Eric's mom said with a smile. 

They both were leaving, and suddenly his dad said, "Anne, come we will drop you."

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