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His phone rang and it was a video all from Anne.

"Hi, how are you Eric?"

"I am good, what about you?"

" I am mis......"

"Anne, I'll talk to you later, I am busy now."

"Eric, what happened to you? You changed. I am trying my best to spend my time with you and since Tuesday you are behaving very strangely, you are not giving me any time."

"I'm busy Anne, I'll call you later."

"Busy busy busy..."

"Just shut up, I have more things to do as well except talking with you. I have my life here as well and you are not understanding Anne. You are behaving very immaturely lately." Eric shouted.

"You changed", Anne said and hung up.

"She hung up on me, was I that harsh? No, she was acting weird," he thought. 

Did I overreact? No, she should have understood that I am busy. I'll talk to her later but she is.....

Yes, it wasn't her fault. We can not talk every time. My semesters are about to come and these kids (he thought while looking at kids in front of him) are annoying. 

Okay, it is difficult to earn. I get it now but dad why are you doing this to me? What are you supposed to do with so much money?

I am not liking this. College, tennis, studies, part-time, everything becomes so hectic. It is very difficult to manage time and Anne is not even understanding. 

I can understand why people say long distances do not work. I know we are not talking much and we do have a one-hour time difference. Okay I know one hour should not even be counted but still.

Oh no! I didn't tell her that I'm teaching these kids. How is she supposed to know then? Eric, you are an idiot. I need to call her. 

He picked up his phone and was about to call her but a kid asked him, "How to solve this question?"

Okay, I'll call her later. I hope I didn't mess up this situation.

He started telling him the formula.

"I am not immature, you have changed Eric. How could you shout at me? It's been five days since we talked like always." Anne thought, "He is always busy. I don't even call him during his class time. He has changed, I don't like it when he raises his voice."

If he was busy then he could have told me this nicely but no, he and his anger issue. I am not going to take this slide. He should apologize to me.
What if he gets someone there? He is handsome and I am sure girls are drooling over him there too. He was popular in school as well. 

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