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They sat in his sports car.

"Did you enjoy it?" He asked. 

"Yes," she replied, smiling at him. 

"You look tired."

"Because I am tired."

He chuckled at her sudden reply. 

"Eric, can you drop me at my dorm?"


She looked at him with the expression of why? 

"Because you are staying with me."

She decided not to say anything. She was looking outside the window and then noticed him. His veins, his hands on the steering wheel, and then his face that looks so innocent. He can't be a playboy? I like him a lot. 

They enter his dorm. Anne closed the door and Eric was going to the kitchen to have some water. Anne followed him like a lost puppy.

He was drinking water and she was looking at him with love, her eyes were full of love but they were confused. "Why did she out of all the girls choose me? I am not extremely beautiful like his ex-girlfriends, they were way too beautiful and I'm just okay." She was so lost that she didn't notice that he came near her. 

She came back to her senses when Eric asked her "What happened you look so lost? "

"Anne control yourself, you can't cry", ahe said to herself. She pulled him closer to her with his collar and kissed him. Eric responded in no time. The kiss was getting wilder and deeper. 

Eric feels something wet on his cheeks. "Is she crying? But why?" He thought and backed off. He looked into her eyes but she had closed her eyes. He got furious.

"What happened, babe? Why are you crying?"

Words were not leaving her throat. She still didn't open her eyes. 

Eric was asking her what happened but she was not responding to anything.

"Anne, open your eyes, look at me." He said while holding her chin. 

She slowly opened her eyes. 

He got mesmerized by her beauty. Her wet eyelashes and red eyes and her red nose. She was biting her lips. It's too much to handle. He mentally slapped himself. "Eric control yourself it's not the right time."

"Why were you crying?" He asked gently while looking into her eyes. 

"I don't know. It just feels like I am dreaming. I am scared that I'll wake up."

He pinched her cheeks tightly, she hissed in pain. "See, it's not a dream", he said.

She smiled lightly.

"Can I ask you something?"


"Why didn't you tell me about your father before?"

"You never asked." He replied.

"I am sorry"

"May I know why you are sorry?"

"Last week when you wanted to buy that watch and I got annoyed and said, 'Eric stop wasting your money, look you already have so many watches, why do you want more? Is your father a billionaire that you behave like a spendthrift?' I am sorry for that. I didn't have any idea."

He chuckled.

"Why are you laughing? I am dying of embarrassment and you are laughing." She said with an angry expression.

"You are so cute Anne," He said while hugging her. 

She hugged him back.

"You love me? "

"Is that even a question? It's a fact." He said while kissing her forehead.

"You are not a rich spoiled playboy. Right? "

"I am a rich spoiled brat but I am not a playboy. "

She smiled at his answer. 

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