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"Bob, can you please wrap up alone? I think I should go back to my dorm," She said.

"You are not going alone, I'll drop you just wait for ten more minutes," Bob said.

She nodded and saw him picking up statues and going toward the storeroom. "He was looking handsome." Anne thought but came out of her thoughts when she saw Ava was calling her. She picked up her phone, she was asking when she'll come back, Anne told her that almost everything is done here and Bob will drop her at the dorm because she was not feeling well. She hung up.

Bob came to me and said, " Let's go."

She nodded and stood up but soon her legs gave up and she almost fell but two strong hands held her. She looked at him, "his hands feeling so good wrapping around my waist", she thought. She somehow managed to stand up again and keep some distance.

He came closer to her and picked her up in a bridal style.

"What... are you.... doing....Bob? Put..... me down, please," she said shuttering.

"You can't even walk Anne." He takes her to his office and lays her on the couch.

He hovered over her. She could feel his breath on her exposed shoulder. "I am losing my mind. I know it is wrong but it felt right." She thought, "I want him, I am feeling hot and his touch is calming me."

He placed a kiss on her shoulder and instead of pushing him, she closed her eyes and felt his kiss. 

Her mind was saying, Anne, you are doing wrong, this is wrong. You are cheating on Eric but her body wanted more. 

Her phone rang and Bob got up and took her phone from her handbag and switched it off. 

He came back and again hovered over her and started giving her wet kisses on her neck and shoulder. 

She couldn't help but moan. Words were not leaving her mouth. "Anne this is wrong" her mind again shouted but she ignored it and decided to feel the moment. 

She could feel him nibbling her skin, "it will for sure leave a mark but who cares," she thought.

She was wet and was needy and his touch was driving her crazy. His hand was on her exposed thigh and she was liking it.

He turned her back and started kissing her back. She felt him opening her zipper. His hands roam around her bareback. He was kissing her lower back and she could feel heaven.

"This was happening for real. I am cheating on Eric," she thought.

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