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Days were passing very quickly and now the time for the exam has come. Eric was chilled all the time but Anne was in tension. (Eric was a brilliant student but Anne was an average child.)

"Why so serious babe?"

"Because I am not a genius like you Eric, I don't know how you can score so good grades? You rarely study."

"Do you want some extra classes? You can pay me with those." He said while pointing towards her lips. 

"Shut up Eric, you have to be serious, it's your final year and here you are all playful."

"I just want to cheer you up."

"Eric, I want to ask you something."

"What is it about?" He said while putting his arm on her shoulder.

"What have you planned? What are you going to do after exams are over? "

"I'll wait till the announcement of the result and then I'll apply for some university."

"Eric, please be serious," Anne said while rolling her eyes.

"I'm serious, Did you just roll your eyes? How many times have I told you not to do this? "

"Seriously, are you talking about this right now?"

"Don't roll your eyes."He said while putting force on every word. 

"And why so?" Anne said while again rolling her eyes. 

"Hey don't do this. I don't like it." He said in an annoyed tone. 

"And I don't like your behavior." She said while sitting on a bench. Eric was still standing.

"What do you want just tell me? "

"I want you to share your plan with me. What have you planned for your future? What are you going to do after your exams are over? "

"I have not planned anything," Eric said. 

"Stop kidding me."

"I swear I didn't plan anything, I don't have anything in my mind as of now."

"You are something, Eric." She unconsciously bites her lower lip while looking at him.

"Stop doing this Anne." He said while freeing her lower lip by pulling her chin down."I should be doing this."He said while coming closer to her.

Anne pushed him so tightly that he fell to the ground.

"Stop doing this Eric, you can't do this when we talk about something serious."

"Why are you making it a big deal? " Eric said while standing up.

"It is not me, it's you who is not taking it seriously."

"I don't need to think about these petty things."

"Eric, what you are going to do in the future is not petty." She said while raising her voice.

"It is petty, it is petty for me because....."

"Because you are Eric Davis. Right? "

"Yes, right I am Eric Davis."

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