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Next day 

Eric reached his home by 9 am. He wanted to meet Anne as soon as possible, so he reached home before the time his parents told him. 

They were having their breakfast together and were talking about Anne. 

"Are you sure she is not with you because you are Davis?"

"Yes mom"

"But you said it like four-time."

"This time it is different."

"It is difficult to believe but let's see." His mom said. 

"Why did you come back? "

"It was her birthday," Eric replied.

"Eric I called you myself on my birthday to remind you that it is my birthday, wish me and you came from Cambridge to Texas for your girlfriend."

"Mom, are you jealous?"

"No, not at all. Why would I be jealous if my one and only son forgot my birthday and came to celebrate his girlfriend's birthday?"

Eric chuckled and remembered Anne too said the same thing,' Why would I be angry if my boyfriend ignored my phone calls? '

He was smiling from ear to ear. 

"Look at him, so much in love, when you grew up this much Eric?" His mother said. 

He didn't reply to anything and started eating pancakes.

"Eric, I think you should work now." His father said. 

"But I'm still studying. I'll join the company after I finish my studies."

"No, I mean you should support yourself now. From now on, earn yourself."

"Dad, why do I need to work?"

"So that you know how important money is and how hard it is to earn it."

"But dad"

"No, but, I'm giving you your one-month pocket money but after that, you have to take care of everything from your college fee to your diesel expenses."

Eric called Anne and asked, "Where are you?"

"I'm at school."

"When will you come back? "

"By noon"

"I'll pick you up from school."

"No, I'll come by myself. Where should we meet? " Anne asked. 

"My place."

"Your..... Your place?"

"Any problem?" Eric asked.

"No..... No...your parents."

"Don't worry they won't come."

"Are you sure? "


"Okay fine."


"Should I go or not?" She thought. "Whatever happened yesterday was embarrassing. Can you believe we were kissing.... Kissing in front of his parents...... Oh no….Eric also removed my jacket...... We were not making out, right?" She grabbed her hair in frustration. 

"Cooldown Anne, take a deep breath..... It is fine we are dating and this is normal...... But very embarrassing."

She put her head down on the table. A teacher came but she was in her dreamland.

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