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As Eric left she cried her eyes out." I don't like to be rude to him but I want him to go, it is very difficult to face him. Every time I see him, I remind myself of the moment when I was needy for Bob, " she whispered.

Ava came in after some time, she was talking about something but Anne's mind was somewhere else. 

Around 9 am the doctor came and checked her reports and asked, "How are you feeling, Miss Anne?"

She didn't reply to anything,she was just staring at him. 

"Are you feeling pain anywhere?" He asked in the calmest voice possible.

She shook my head in no. 

He smiled and went out. Anne saw him talking with Eric. "Why don't you go, Eric?" She asked herself.

Eric came in with some files in his hand and he came toward her and said, " Baby we can go home now, Doctor said that you should take medicines on time and should not take any stress. Let's go." He said with a smile, the smile for which she used to live, but now the situation is not the same as before.

She nodded and got up from her bed, he came forward to help her but she backed out. Anne looked at Ava and she came toward her and helped her in changing. Eric silently left the room and waited for them outside.

When they came out, he took the bag from Ava's hand and guided them to the car. 

Ava and Anne settled themselves in the back seat and Eric drove. When the car stopped and she stepped out, she saw herself in front of Eric's condo. 

"Why am I here Eric?" She asked him.

"I can not go to your dorm and I want to stay with you."

"But I don't want to be with you," she shouted.

"Baby let's get inside first," he said while holding her hand, "Please".

She followed him though she wanted to run away from him. Everything was the same as before in this house but at the same time, everything was different. Ava moves to the kitchen to make some food. He took Anne to his bedroom and now she was unable to control herself. All the happy moments that they spent here came in front of her eyes. 

He came toward her and hugged her. " Everything will be fine Princess," he said while patting her back.
The moment she hugged him, she lost her stubbornness and she cried her eyes out.

"The pain that I was feeling was nothing in comparison with her pain. She acted strong, she tried to push me away from her but I knew she wanted to hold me and cried. The doctor has already told me that she might act stubborn but be patient." He thought and made her lay on the bed and came to the other side and hugged her. 

She kept on crying and crying till her eyes dried out. He did not even for a second keep her away from his embrace. She knew he was crying too but no one had said a word, their heart was beating very fast. 

"Even if I want to, I don't think I can face him. I hate myself for being too weak to take my stand." Anne said to herself.

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